Monday, January 9, 2017

Hello Again.... After 5 years.... 

Today is January 9th 2017. To try and catch up these past five years in this new journal entry would be too much to write, let alone read. So, I'll just jump right in with what's on my heart at the moment and along the way throughout the daily (I hope) visits, I'll fill in the blanks. 

Break out the champagne. I worked out tonight. LOL. Now, WHY is that significant to mention? Especially since it was a teeney tiny workout. BUT STILL.... it was a workout. I was sitting and feeling quite lethargic with a sudden case of the blahs, when it dawned on me, WORK OUT. I didn't give myself time to talk me out of it. I decided that I should put on Gilad and see what I could do. It's been YEARS since I've worked out. Probably at least 5 years. Prior to my injury in 2012. (Much more on that, later) Anyway, I made it through the warm up and you know he does a pretty vigorous and intense warm up for a 54 year old 300plus size woman who has been so sedentary the past year I hardly even recognize who I am anymore. So, I was very winded but not sweating, and my muscles were popping and cracking like Rice Krispies on a loud speaker, but I gave it all I could give it and then I rested. A few minutes later, I did a different warm up with him. Now, these were only 3-5 minutes each but they got my heart rate up big time and they stretched muscles in both upper and lower body and I was focused on posture, breathing, core strength and balance. It wasn't pretty nor was it pleasant and it sure wasn't easy! BUT I DID IT.

So, I'm thinking that from here on out, I can just work to increase stamina, strength, and endurance, 1 minute at a time. I made a commitment to also not compare this to the good ole days when I could hike 5 miles and do a complete workout with crazy lady Susan Powter and her "Stop The Insanity" step aerobics workouts. They were awesome and fun and challenging at first but I got through them and eventually an hour breezed by. Sometimes I would do 2 a day. Morning and evening. I loved it. Today I just loved that I got up and moved for 3-5 minutes in an intentional exercise routine that left me feeling energetic and happier for myself. And tomorrow, I intend to do the same, only several times throughout the day. 3-5 minutes each time. I am not going to try and think too far ahead like I have been prone to do. I really just want to take as it comes!

27 years ago when I embarked on that 335 lb weight loss journey, which took 4 years to achieve, I always said to people who asked how I did it....

"I took it one day at a time.
One minute at a time.
One meal at a time
One workout at a time
One snack at a time
 One bite at a time
One lb at a time
One ounce at a time
One prayer at a time
and One positive affirmation at a time"

That's all I've got. Other than to say that this is my last 2nd Chance to get healthy and in good shape again. It's got to work this time because I have such a sense of urgency to do it now while I've got this One last chance.

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