Look at the RED DRESS I am wearing in the photo above? I actually SAW that very dress more than 3 years before it was ever made. 3 years before it existed, I actually SAW ME WEARING IT. Yep, that's right and Nope I am not yanking your chain. Let me explain!
It was on June 18th 1990 when in desperation I cried out to God for help to lose more than 300 lbs before I died an early death from severe morbid obesity. My 28 year old body had carried more than 500 lbs all it could physically go without disaster happening and I could literally feel the breath of death on the back of my neck. Below is another photo of me holding a skirt that I wore before I lost 335 lbs.
This skirt was made for me by a dear, sweet lady, Wanda Stone, who attended the church my Daddy Pastored, at the time, in Kentucky. If not for her making my clothes during those heaviest years, I don't know what I would have worn because the clothing stores had size limits below my 56-60 size. I shutter now as I write this. It was a horrible way to exist when you have a choice not to!
Anyway, Back to the RED DRESS. From June 18th 1990 to Dec. 31st I had dropped about 50-75 lbs. I can't remember exactly, but I was getting a little discouraged because I had been pushing so hard to get the weight off and for people to be able to notice. But so far no one was seeing the difference. Keep in mind that when someone is severely obese as I was, it takes A LOT of weight loss before anyone will even be able to tell the slightest bit of loss. So, I was wavering in my faith at that point. I will never forget the time & place when I had a mental vision out of the clear blue, of me looking exactly like I look in this photo, wearing this exact RED DRESS. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that vision was a gift from God. I literally had to look twice and really stare to SEE ME healthy and fit.
I can tell you that I held on to that vision, and I told everybody I knew what I had seen that night, in a little church, where my family and I were performing at a concert. I had turned around to look at the clock to see how close it was to midnight which would be NEW YEARS. I was looking forward to pigging out later at the local Shoney's Buffet, and because I was discouraged, I had already talked myself into eating everything ,and as much of it, as I could hold. I was THAT discouraged.
When I looked back at that old clock hanging on the wall above the vestibule doors, instead of seeing this; I saw this:
That moment made all the difference in the world. I went to Shoney's and had a sensible one-plate of breakfast foods with small portions and I held fast to that vision. I burned the image in my mind and I asked God to help me to never forget what I saw in that old clock. It was TIME FOR ME TO GET A PERFECT PICTURE OF THE GOAL I WAS GOING AFTER.
Fast forward 4 years later to April 1994 when the RED DRESS picture actually was taken in Hollywood, CA with Mike & Maty at the set of their daily talk show on ABC Network.
I knew when I got the call that I would have to wear the dress I saw in my vision more than 3 years earlier, but although I had given the description of the dress to many people, none of us were having any luck UNTIL I WAS CASUALLY BROWSING IN A J.C. PENNEY catalog and saw it on a model.
Well, you should have heard the squeal of delight when I turned a page and there it was. Just like in my vision. I ordered it, that very day with a lump in my throat and goose bumps on my goose bumps. So excited and nervous and grateful and pinching myself to see if I was really awake or in a dream.
will never forget the look on my Daddy's face when he saw me wearing that dress for the first time. It was precious and priceless. You would have thought it was my wedding day. "Oh Mommy look at her" He proudly exclaimed to my Momma who was staring in awe.
I will forever remember that as one of the greatest moments of my life. THAT was better than Hollywood! I think he was as proud of me then as he was on the day I, his first, was born.
That Red Dress picture in my mind gripped my heart and helped me to stay focused and steady to the course and run my race and finish it. I WON! Thanks to the picture I kept alive in my heart and in my mind's eye. if not for that, I am not sure if I would have finished. It took 4 years. That's a long time to stay motivated and focused and driven and determined. But I did it.
Even the Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18 "WITHOUT A VISION THE PEOPLE PERISH".
I had to let go of the FAT TINA that I had always pictured and I had to grab hold of this new RED DRESS TINA. Healthy and Happy and Fit, Tina. Tina Maria.
What vision do you have of yourself? If you are holding on to fat, unattractive, unhealthy, negative images of yourself, you will never get healthy and fit and FREE. You have to have a positive image in mind and in heart in order to make the changes you need to make for the long term. PICTURE IT PERFECTLY AND BURN IT INTO YOUR HEART AND MIND. Do not let go of it. Be like a little bull dog with a bone. NO MATTER WHAT, YOU ARE NOT LETTING GO OF THE THING.
IT IS YOURS! Hang on tight and be as tough as you need to be and whatever your vision, SIEZE IT! NOW! It is YOURS! Make it your reality! I did it then and I am doing it again. I am not stopping until it happens. Just watch me! Or better yet, Join with me! It's time to Rise & Shine! No more negative images. Positively Picture yourself at a healthy weight and in better shape than you are today. Picture yourself with the energy, stamina, endurance of a healthier person. THAT'S YOU, BABY!
Tina Maria