Thursday, December 15, 2011

On The 2nd Day of Christmas Tips

On the 2nd Day of Christmas Tips - Detox De Daisy Way
[Again sung to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas]

From Halloween through New Years, weight gain for most of us kids of all ages, is between 5-25 lbs with 15 lbs being the average, depending on how many parties, get-togethers, and Holidays Baking and cooking you get into. That is one reason that NewYear's top resolution is to Lose Weight. No surprise there, right? So, how do we get those Holidays Gains to go away very quickly? Daisy Fuentes has a secret! DETOX, DETOX, DETOX! The EASY WAY!
Daisy says she keeps away the extra lbs from Holiday foods by drinking at least 2 liters of alkaline water per day. This helps neutralize the acid waste that promotes belly fat.
My favorite way of getting a daily DETOX very simply and easily is to squeeze fresh lemon into filtered water and drink your weight away!

There is also a neat little refillable  Alkalizing Water Bottle you could add to your Wish List for about $50.00. Such as Healthy Habits Original IonPod Portable bottle.

Product Features

  • Alkalizing and Energizing Water Bottle.
  • Increases The pH of Ordinary Tap Water In Minutes.
  • Lowers The ORP of Ordinary Tap Water In Minutes.
  • Reduce Acidity.
  • Reduce Premature Aging.

Yes, this is now on my Wish List. But in the meantime, I will just give this old fashioned fresh squeezed lemon water the business. I have organic lemons in the fridge, but out of filtered water, so I will take some sliced lemons with me when I leave for work in a bit, and buy several gallons of filtered water to start guzzling. I need to Detox, Detox, Detox.

Although I have not been eating much Holiday goodies to really speak of, except for a few Ginger Snaps and Hershey Kisses, that is it so far this Season. So fortunately, I have not gained an ounce so far, and I am very grateful, but I think adding 2 liters a day of filtered water with fresh squeezed lemons in it, to my daily menu will help me get rid of some stubborn lbs. that are containing wastes that my body needs me to get rid of first.
I think Daisy looks incredible but I just want to get back to looking like ME. The way I really, really look, underneath this extra weight. The Me I was when I lost 335 lbs and went to Hollywood twice to appear on national television. This me in the photo below. I am in the middle, in the RED DRESS. That is Mike Burger and Maty Montfort on each side of me. We are standing in ABC Studios in Hollywood, CA. I was on a talk show to help others.
If Daisy Fuentes can drink 2 liters of good alkalizing fat burning, waste ridding, clean filtered, acid neutralizing water, then shush by gummy [Hillbilly terminology for "bless ole Pete"] I can drink it too! I am not gonna let a tip as good as this one, get away from me!
Besides, as most of us already know, drinking lots of good filtered water throughout the day, especially before meals, snacks, and attending all those Holidays parties and all, is one of the best ways to prevent overeating and impulsive eating.

So often our body is thirsty for pure, clean water. Perhaps one reason why is to to help us lose weight and get rid of all those toxins and wastes from all the artificial ingredients like sweeteners, processed foods, refined sugars and flours, unhealthy fats, and all the other stuff added to make these favorite goodies look, smell, and taste so incredibly amazing. Eat them if you must, but if you don't want to feel and look worse for indulging, remember to drink at least 2 liters of alkalizing water to DETOX DE DAISY WAY. Come January 1, you could start from the weight you are now, instead of 15 lbs fatter. I LOVE IT.

Can you hear me humming the tune "All I Want For Christmas". I have my own 2 front teeth, thank the Lord, so I replaced those words with these;


You need to let me know! Either post a comment here or on my Facebook Wall, or email me at

See Ya Later! Me & my Organic Lemons are headed to the nearest filtered watering hole.
All the while wishin' & a hummin' our merry little Christmas tune. " hmmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm...." 

Blessings, HUGS, & Love,

Tina Maria ~

1 comment:

  1. Your daily posts are an inspiration to me and I know they are to many other people as well. I have detoxed in the past and felt wonderful; however, I have not been good lately. I am having hot flashes, itching and allergy symptoms and I know they come from eating and drinking the wrong things. Detoxing would be so beneficial to me! I would love to have my own IonPod!
